If you lost tickets you purchased for an event on Ticketbud, here's a few best practices to help you find them.
Your tickets will be emailed to you. Check your inbox for an email from orders@ticketbud.com. Download the PDF file attached to the the order confirmation email to view your tickets & print them off.
Manually Retrieve Tickets
In order to manually retrieve your tickets visit ticketbud.com and choose the Retrieve Tickets icon located on the top banner or visit the following link: https://ticketbud.com/print_tickets.
Enter the email address associated with the transaction. You will then either receive a confirmation email containing your tickets OR an email letting you know that no tickets were found.
If you don't see the confirmation email in your inbox (subject: Tickets attached: event name) and believe you placed your order successfully, its likely due to one of the following reasons:
Typos: if you believe the email address associated with the transaction contains a typo, contact us at cs@ticketbud.com and we can fix that for you.
Spam: if the email address associated with the transaction is a business, corporate, or government account, it is highly likely that the email got caught queued upon delivery and was filtered as spam. Please check your spam folder(s) and make sure orders@ticketbud.com is whitelisted in your contacts. Contact us at cs@ticketbud.com from the email address associated with the transaction and we can manually send your tickets to you.
Pending transactions: there are instances where the status of the transaction is pending by the payment processor. Generally, pending payments that fall into a normal state of review by the processor are cleared within 2 business days. A transaction must hold a paid status for the system to generate and send your tickets.
If you have any additional questions, feel free to email us at cs@ticketbud.com.