Ticketbud provides a free scanner app for iOS and Android devices. You can download our app from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
The app utilizes the camera functionality on your device to scan the unique QR code on the ticket we send to your attendees. The app also contains a list of your attendees who have bought a ticket that you can check in manually.
If you are granting app check-in permissions to team members, you can either provide them with your login credentials or invite them as a collaborator to your event. You can read more about inviting collaborators here. As a collaborator, the team member will be prompted to create a Ticketbud account (if they don't already have one), which they can then use to login to the app and check-in guests for your event.
Collaborators will be sent an email to create a Ticketbud account at ticketbud.com. They must complete all the steps in the sign-up process before signing into the Ticketbud app. If a collaborator does not create a Ticketbud account, the collaborator will not be able to login to the app.
How To Access & Use The Scanner App
- After downloading the app, open the app icon on your device.
- Enter your Ticketbud credentials (email & password) to login.
- After you've logged in, select the event from the list.
How To Scan Tickets
- From the event page, choose the Scan Tickets icon to scan tickets with your device's camera.
- The app will transition into camera mode. Hover the device over the barcode on the ticket to scan.
- If the scan was successful, a Ticket Scanned message will appear. You can click on the attendee’s name at the bottom of the screen to view purchase details.
- When you are ready to scan the next ticket, simply tap Scan Next.
- If a ticket has already been scanned, a Ticket Already Scanned message will appear. This can possibly be an indicator of fraudulent ticket use.
- After you're done scanning tickets, exit camera mode by clicking Cancel in the top left corner.
How To Check-in Attendees Manually
- From the event page, choose the All Tickets icon to check-in attendees manually.
- A list of all attendees will be sorted by last name.You can either scroll through the list to find an attendee or search their name with the search bar at the top.
- To check-in a guest, tap their name and then press the Check In button. If successfully checked-in, a checkmark will appear next to the attendees name. You can also view purchase information for the attendee with the View Details option.
If you need uncheck-in an attendee, simply tap the attendee’s name again and select Uncheck In.
Check out our PDF Check-In Training Guide attached!